: Foundation
Father: Foundation
Show Name: Eye Of The Beholder
Kennel Name: Rorschach
Gender: Male
Age: 5 years
Phenotype: Black Vitiligo
Genotype: ee/Bb/Dd/aal/EmEx/II/Slsl/SS/gg/Mcm/T+t/fcfc/nn
Artist: Venatici

If someone who knows him well had to describe Rorschach in one Word, it would certainly be adaptable. If someone who has only met him once had to? That word may very well vary widely. He seems to have a certain… talent for analysing people, seemingly figuring out how they will act and behave just by watching them for some time. Once he feels like he has figured them out enough he will act however the situation requires him to, or however will work best to archive whatever he feels like the task is. This can have both up and downsights for handeling him. While he may be the best dog for new handlers to train with, as he will try to help them get past their training mistakes to archieve the shared goal – whatever that may be, given the opportunitity he may also very well exploit an unexperienced handlers weaknesses for his own gain. The same stands true for other dogs.
His ability to read a dog or handler will get better the longer he has known them, and with handlers he has worked a lot he’ll be able to interpret their body language so fast and precise that it will start to look like he can read their minds.

The ‚real magic‘ seems to happen if Rorschach is put into a sled racing team though. He has proven to be a valuable asset in the training of new dogs, being good at figuring out where they need the most work, what position(s) they may be suited for and how they may best learn, his help rivals that of another trainer. He himself seems to do well on all positions, but especially lead, and even in other positions it can seem like he is secretly leading the whole team from the shadows, without the other dogs even noticing.
On the other hand he will also make it very known if he feels like a dog isn’t a good fit for the team he is on, and may downright refuse to run if such complaints went unconsidered by the musher, and lately he seems to get pickier about the musher themself, also refusing to run for them if he feels they are not up to his standards. Interestingly, it seems that he does not judge based on experience and sucess in the field, at least not mainly, and more on personality, training style and maybe… talent? At least he appears to be far from unwilling to help a new prospect learn if he sees potential in the.
His judgement on the musher also seems to vary based on the other dogs in the team, as if he’s considering how well they will match as well.

BildDrawn by me

BildDrawn by -chirp-
